Halloween colors and their meaning


The holiday combines the ancient traditions of the Celts, imagination, creativity and mysticism. Just recently, it celebrated mainly in the USA and other Western countries, but every year the holiday is gaining more and more popularity in Eastern Europe, including in the post-Soviet space.

Orange and black became Halloween traditional colors long ago. The use of orange begins with autumn harvest festivals: orange – it is the color of ripe vegetables – pumpkin, and fallen leaves. Black — is the color of the night, mysticism, and evil spirits that hide in the dark. Halloween celebrated at night, so it is it is associated with black. There are also many black holiday decorations: spiders, black cats, bats, witches cauldrons, etc.

In recent years, other colors come into the Halloween palette. So, purple has long been a secondary color, but in the last ten years his popularity growth high. It is the color of witchcraft and mysticism, therefore on Halloween night many girls walk in the streets of cities and suburbs of the USA and Western Europe dressed in purple witch costumes. Nowadays decoration colored in purple as much as black or orange.


Green color also become common. He was always present in the Halloween theme, but with the growing popularity of zombies in popular culture, his role increased significantly. Every year there is more and more greenery. Green is the color of the glowing in the dark Halloween decorations; it is the color of mucus. Moreover, green is one of the main colors of the Wicked Witch of the West (the character of «The Wizard of OZ»), which has long been one of the most popular Halloween suit.

Along with green from the zombie theme came red. Unlike Christmas green-red combination — Halloween colors are monstrously green and bloody red. Blood is a key ingredient in witch potions and voodoo magic. The devil's contract is usually sealed in blood. Before now, red was associated with vampires, but now it is strongly associated with the zombie. Red appears is quite rare in festive decor, but a lot in costumes.


Finally, white. Although white is usually associated with light, on Halloween it plays an exceptionally sinister role. White is the color of the lab coat of the mad doctor; the color of a bone sticking out from a shallow grave; the color of moonlight that plays on werewolf hair. Mummies, ghosts, ghouls — they are all mostly white. White color is often appears in decor: it can be skulls, bones, skeletons, cobwebs, classic ghosts «in the sheet.» In addition, white helps to highlight adjacentcolors, especially in makeup.

What is your favorite Halloween color?
