Vogue colors in politics

The history of vogue colors cross with political events in the world. For centuries, clothing has been a mirror of social mood, a tool for private protest and symbol of status.

Today, politics come in to the life of everyone, regardless of the neutrality of views. Designers bring protest to the podium, and politicians use clothes to convey their ideas, often passing them through color. In recent years, modest black loose popularity giving way to the bright shades with a symbolic meaning.

White. White color associated with ancient Greek democracy. In France, at court, white became the symbol of the absolutist monarchy. Pure color was primary for the Bourbon dynasty, which ruled France for almost four centuries. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this color became as major for the White Guard — the anti-communist movement against the Bolsheviks in the civil revolution of 1917-1922.

Black. Along with red, black color became one of the symbols of the National Socialist government in Germany from 1933 to 1945. By the way, the designer and manufacturer of the German uniform in those years was Hugo Boss.


Purple. The color of the movement for the women's rights. Firstly it became a symbol of the suffragettes, and then — of the modern feminists. Also it is the favorite color of Hillary Clinton — the first woman in America who come very close to the presidency. This color of dignity and dedication to ideas, Hillary used during her presidential campaign and purple pantsuit from Ralph Lauren become a part of her image.


Pink. Before now politicians avoided pink. Women rate it too infantile and frivolous, and men rate it simply girly. Today, pink become the main shade of the political party of the Feminist Initiative in Sweden, and since 2018 it symbolizes the empowerment of women.


Blue. Louis XIV, the main fashion mover in France of the XVII century, made blue a royal color. At the royal court act special fashion code, mere mortals was forbided to wear some things. For example, only the king and his confidants could wear blue trim on their clothing.

Green. In the political wardrobe, green was considered as neutral, but in the last decade this color has become a symbol of ecological movements, such as Greenpeace, as well as the main color of it activists' clothing.


Yellow. Yellow especially loved by Queen Elizabeth II of England, along with pastel and rainbow shades. A bright coat, sheath dress and matching hat — a classic image of the queen. In politics, yellow symbolizes liberalism and, more recently, the movement of «yellow vests» in France.


Red. Red is the symbol of the communist. Red color in the interpretation of the Bolsheviks — the color of blood shed by working people in the fight against the exploiters. In an earlier and narrow interpretation, red is the color of the revolutionary struggle, the labor movement, symbol of the spilled blood in the struggle for freedom.

