The ugliest color in the world

Different colors affect the person in different ways. Some cause calm, others — anxiety or joy. But there are colors that do not cause any feelings, except disgust. Let`s analize this most vile of existing colors and its practical application.

GfK Bluemoon conducted a study to identify the most unpleasant for human perception  color. Various surveys were conducted and in each of them there was an undeniable «winner» — shade of «opaque couché», «gray-dark brown». It can be described as the color of excrement and marsh. Not the most pleasant association, is not it? The digital representation is rgb(74, 65, 42), #4a412a

You will be wondering why GfK Bluemoon conducted such a strange study?

The answer is that the Australian government with help of this color is fighting with smoking, and quite successfully. According to another study, the use of this color in the design of packs of cigarettes leads to quite a significant reduction in tobacco sales. For example, «opaque couché» occupies more than half of the total area of the package. Moreover, as of today, this innovation has already been adopted by a number of European countries, including Great Britain.

It is worth mentioning that the idea that all cigarette packs should have one standardized design with the use of a large number of dark brown, color images, emblems appeared in New Zealand in the late 1980-ies. Further, the proposal was discussed more than once, but it has come to be implemented in Australia.

Whether the color of excrement and marsh can really reduce the number of smokers will be shown only by the time..
