Color in the films of David Fincher

Surely, you are already familiar with the work of David Fincher. Among the most popular of his works are such films as: «Zodiac», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «Fight Сlub» and «The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo». Many people call David a  «Prince of Darkness», and they are right, because in his paintings dominate the dark color palette. It usually consist of colors such as yellow, green and blue, i.e. the colors of the films is chosen according to the principle of the triad. But there is the films of Fincher, which is based on the contrast between warm and cold colors.

Correctly selected color tones create a good mood, enhance the impression of music and game of actors. For example, in the film «The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo» the color of the past on the screen is much darker than the color of the present, you can see it with the example of these two frames.

This means that the characters in the movie are experiencing is not the warmest emotions, remembering old times. In «Zodiac» Fincher with the help of gloomy tones conveys the fatigue of the main characters, they seem to fade together with the color scale.

With the change of tone is changing the behavior of the characters, they become very lethargic, their appearance is changing. In this case, the color change everything is also intended to emphasize the state of the characters, not only emotional, but physical.

The story of Benjamin Button is told these days from a hospital. The colors of these frames maximum faceless, the absence of life is feeling. Within the story there are flashbacks, most of which are cold. But when Benjamin becames younger, the colors of the flashbacks abruptly changed to the warmer pastel palette, thus symbolizing the white band in the character's life.

Cold and warm colors - are the most important ingredients in David Fincher's ideal author's recipe, according to which he, one by one, prepares masterpieces of modern cinematography.
