Magic of the red color


The perception of red color has evolved over thousands of years to help us to distinguish edible fruits from their natural contrasting environment.

Yes, the bright red color certainly attracts our attention, but the essence of its impact on our brain, much deeper. On a psychological level, red speaks of danger, excitement, passion, power, aggression and success. These reactions are not only emotional, but also physiological.

The color of impulsivity. Red color more noticeable than others encourages people to quick decisions. This is often used by marketers, staining him with a banner «big sale». Focusing on the red color leads to shortness of breath, increase blood pressure. A person's heart rate increases, therefore, it becomes more susceptible to rash, impulsive actions. This effect has been noted by the owners of the casino -  the players play more risky, make more bets.

Red is often used in food manufactures and fast food: KFC, Burger King, McDonalds and many others. It activates salivary glands, which leads to feelings of hunger and at the same time tiring on the eyes, makes us eat faster and more quickly to leave the institution.

The color of passion. Red evokes strong emotions and passion. No wonder there is a district of the «red light». The scientists make the explanation. A recent study published in the journal «Experimental social psychology» found that men often consider the woman in red as more inclined to play the flirting and sexual contact.


The color of danger. At the same time, red is often perceived as a warning of danger. It is associated with a ban, because in fact the fire is red. For ancient man, red was the signal to escape, was a factor of the destruction. For this reason most of the warning signs painted in red.

Yes, red is very noticeable, «alarm» color, but at the same time the visibility of any color depends on contrast with the surrounding background and the context in which it used. This property need to be clearly understood and red color should used in the context of the entire composition so that it awake only proper feelings, and not Vice versa.
